Another Period 8 student’s house is burned down, and she is sent for a 72 hour evaluation at the psych ward. Just as mysteriously, Mary reappears at school, and begins to reach out to Paulie, explaining the “complicated” matter of her disappearance to him.

Her father pulls a lot of strings, and even has students bussed to an area near her home to form a search party. She gives her a place to spend the night, but the next morning she is gone. Late one night, Hannah finds her wandering down the road in a drug-induced stupor. Things begin to appear odd when Mary disappears one day. Mary is known as “Virgin Mary”, and is notoriously untouchable at school do to her controlling, powerful father. Unfortunately, he breaks up with Hannah because of his own infidelity when he has sex with Mary Wells, another student at their high school. Paulie is trying to distance himself from his parents’ sham marriage-his father regularly cheats on his mother, then gets kicked out of the house, then pleads his way back in shortly thereafter. Paulie often swims at the local lake with Logs, and they are very close (definitely infringing upon the acceptable level of student-teacher interaction). Justin is an athletic wisecracker with a good heart. Arney is a pretentious, athletic guy with serious aspirations in the business and political arenas, and he’s currently president of the student body. Paulie’s best friends are Arney Stack and Justin Chenier. Paulie Bomb), long distance swimmer, who breaks up with his girlfriend at the beginning of the story (p. Logs is the kind of teacher that gives his phone number to students, and lets them come over at midnight when they need to talk. Period 8 is an informal group of high school students that meet during their lunch period in the room of their teacher, mentor, and buddy, Mr.