
Planet Hulk (2015) #1 by Sam Humphries
Planet Hulk (2015) #1 by Sam Humphries

Planet Hulk (2015) #1 by Sam Humphries

  • Will Laughing Skull laugh last? Or will Shang-Chi kick that smile right off his face?!.
  • Shang-Chi may have found a new home with the Lower Caste, but can he keep them safe?.
  • VILLAINOUS BETRAYAL! MARTIAL ARTS MASTERY! KUNG-FU ACTION! I can only imagine I am going to want that Variant cover! So excited bout this series and how Humphries is going to bring back Age of Apocalypse Shadowcat!
  • This series takes place right in the thick of things on BATTLEWORLD and is sure to be a wild ride!.
  • STAR-LORD AND KITTY PRYDE–finally in their own series together! But are they TOGETHER together?! And is this the Kitty Pryde that Peter loves or one from a completely different reality.
  • Ultimate End having the same creative team as Cataclysm, really points out how much of a missed opportunity Cataclysm was, right? THE LAST ULTIMATES STORY BY THE GROUND-BREAKING UNIVERSE’S FOUNDING FATHERS! I do like how Throg is going to be a part of this! At the very least, should be in the background of a few panels.
  • A hard-hitting Marvel Comics police drama.
  • But a string of mysterious murders leaves some of them asking questions that may unravel all of reality!

    Planet Hulk (2015) #1 by Sam Humphries

    Whenever there’s trouble on Battleworld, the Thors answer the call.The Thors of every domain, together in one book! As cosmic cops!.I am super curious, with all of the side miniseries (and there are so many of them!) how the main event is going to keep it all going.

    Planet Hulk (2015) #1 by Sam Humphries