It deals sympathetically with the clashes between India and Great Britain, acknowledging England’s faults while not whitewashing those of India. Regardless of that very small complaint, the rest of the book does make the India of that period a living place full of real people with lives and realities of their own, even the ones who are not central characters in the storyline.

King might have had neither time for additional research nor perhaps the energy required to surround herself with all the minutiae of that environment and make it powerfully real for the reader as well. It leads one to the unfortunate conclusion that Ms. But that doesn’t line up with the meticulous attention to detail in every other part of the narrative. It could be argued that the characters themselves wouldn’t have been knowledgeable (or even observant) about their surroundings at that point. Anyone with flying experience will recognize the lack of detail in the characters’ final escape. She is less competent with the technology of the time, which becomes clear in the closing chapter of this book. She seldom glosses over details, but she doesn’t dwell on them unnecessarily either. King’s ability to recreate a historical place and time is extraordinary.