
Cry Wolf by Tami Hoag
Cry Wolf by Tami Hoag

Cry Wolf by Tami Hoag

They got issues from their childhood and recent adult past. It was rather like beating a dead horse after a while. I never have understood why a writer feels they have to force certain points. The two main characters, Laurel and Jack, had way too much “baggage” for my taste and we were constantly reminded of it.

Cry Wolf by Tami Hoag

Then it’s 200 pages into the 529 page book before we get anything more about the killer other than mere mentions and hints. At the start, we get a glimpse of the killer. I usually enjoy her stuff, but this book I really struggled to finish. It has been a while since I read a Tami Hoag book. I haven’t read many books by Tami Hoag but I generally liked the experience, so I think I will more of her in the future. I would prefer to see her finally finding her peace and happiness, either in this book or in her own story. Despite all the signs I hoped for her to survive because I wish her well. The other thing I’ve expected from the beginning is Savannah’s death. And those other baddies make a pretty interesting bundle on their own. Though, to be totally honest, there are some other suspects and the whole thing may not be that obvious to some readers.

Cry Wolf by Tami Hoag

The killer is the person you suspect from the very beginning, so no surprise here. The suspense part is well-maintained but not ground-breaking. They know each other for just a few days but they are already deeply in love.

Cry Wolf by Tami Hoag

Also, the idea of love between them is an overstretch and not really believable. But somehow I ended up liking them anyway. Especially Jack who is a bit inconsistent to me. And I’m surprised because as much as I like tortured characters, Laurel and Jack are not the best example of well-crafted troubled souls. To my utterly astonishment I quite like the main characters - Laurel and Jack. There are some things that bother me (I list them below) but I still enjoyed it a lot. It may not be a very short book but it’s an easy and fast read. I liked this book much more than I thought I would.

Cry Wolf by Tami Hoag